Visitor Information


Currently, visiting our school will be by appointment only. Parents/caregivers, please phone the school on 85 662203 to advise Reception that you have arrived at the gate, and they will provide you with direction and ensure the appropriate staff are available for your meeting and follow all Covid-19 protocols. 

Visitors to the school are required to sign in at reception on arrival. It is an important process. (Our school staff and students need to be able to easily identify visitors to the school or indeed, intruders.) It should also be noted that visitors are not permitted to attend the school for the purpose of socializing with students during the school day.

Tours of Eringa

Self-guided tours of our historic building, Eringa are welcome weekdays, between the hours of 9:00am and 4:00pm. An information brochure and map are available from our Reception office.


Visitors and volunteers are welcome to join us for events such as swimming carnival and athletics day. A sign in station will be available.